Reading about the Iran Hostage Crisis of ’79

The Iran Hostage Crisis of 1979 is one of the first major global events that I remember.

I was 11 years old on November 4, 1979, when Iran’s revolution came to a head, and a mob of student militants overran the US Embassy in Tehran. The student militants took 66 American hostages. 52 of these hostages would remain in Iran until January, 1981.

American hostages in Tehran, Iran in 1979

I followed the 444-day crisis on the news. But being 11 years old, I was sketchy on most of the historical background. 

I’ve read a lot more about the crisis since then. I’m presently finishing up the above book, Guests of the Ayatollah: the First Battle in America’s War with Militant Islam, by Mark Bowden.

Bowden’s book includes not only the overarching historical details, but also many individual stories: of the hostages, and others whose lives were impacted. 

Definitely worth a read if this is a subject that interests you!


**View Guests of the Ayatollah: the First Battle in America’s War with Militant Islam, by Mark Bowden on Amazon***