Horror fiction with a revolutionary twist

Horror/psychological suspense fiction from Edward Trimnell Books

Tucker Bates has a new job at George Washington Investments. The pay and benefits are good.

The only problem? His coworkers are convinced that the real George Washington is alive and well in the 21st century.

And that he owns the company!

I Know George Washington

Preview it here. 

Or, get it at Amazon. (Available in a variety of formats.)

Horror fiction: fear in a Walmart

In the opening Prologue of 12 Hours of Halloween, Jeff Schaeffer experiences a frightful flashback in his local Walmart.

He sees…the Head Collector!

The creature is lurking in the rear area of the store.

Is the creature really there…or is it a mere hallucination?

It might be the season. Jeff knows that Halloween has always been a difficult time of year for him, ever since that frightful Halloween of 1980.

This prologue opens the novel 12 Hours of Halloween in the present day, as a prelude to Jeff’s recollections of that horrible night in 1980!

Read the preview chapters of 12 Hours of Halloween here on the site, or view the book on Amazon